★ Aplikasi Catatan Keuangan Paling Simple ★
Catat pemasukan dan pengeluaran anda di Aplikasi Catatan Keuangan dengan sangat mudah !
Fitur Unggulan:
✔ OFFLINE ! tidak membutuhkan koneksi internet !
✔ Mencatat alur keuangan
✔ Grafik PIE transaksi
✔ Backup dan restore data ke Memori Internal / Lokal
✔ Export data transaksi ke file EXCEL / PDF
✔ Notifikasi pengingat
✔ Atur Tema Sesuai Keinginan
✔ PIN untuk privasi aplikasi
★ The Most Simple Financial Note Application ★
Record your income and expenses in the Financial Records Application very easily!
Featured Feature:
✔ OFFLINE! doesn't need internet connection!
✔ Record financial flows
✔ PIE Graph transactions
✔ Backup and restore data to Internal / Local Memory
✔ Export transaction data to the EXCEL / PDF file
✔ Reminder notifications
✔ Set Themes as You Wish
✔ PIN for application privacy